Try to look at your friends around you, surely they have properties that are different right. There are a hobby by the way, play, anyway can’t shut up, keep that one more hobby at home, he’s quiet, but good for are invited to confide in because she was a good listener. Well, humans are unique creatures created with a variety of different personalities.

A psychologist from Switzerland, Carl Gustav Jung, dividing the three common personality in humans that is extrovert, introverts, and ambiverts. C.G Jung revealed. That the concept and the main benchmarks to analyze the psychology against someone is to examine the properties of their individual. Is he in the category of an introvert, extrovert and ambiverts?

Basically everyone has a side of the introvert and extrovert in their personality respectively. However, one side will appear to be more dominant in the character of the person.

So, which personal type are you, introvert or extrovert? The following is a review of the meaning and characteristics of introverts and extroverts, which will help you to find your answer!

Introvert vs Extrovert

• Understanding Introverts

The term introvert vs extrovert in the field of psychology was first introduced by Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s. Jung introduced the results of his explorations of personality, there is a main difference of the personality seen from the energy source and direction of energy expression of the individual. Introvert is the attitude or character of a person who has the orientation of subjective mentally in his life.

Personality introverts tend to like the quiet condition, happy to be alone, reflective of what they do. They have a tendency to stay away from interaction with new things.

Someone introverts are very happy to do activities that are solitary (can be done alone without the help of others). Activities such as writing, reading, operate the computer, watching movies, fishing, and etc.

Many of the artists, the composer of the song, the author of the novel, or inventors usually have an introvert personality. They prefer to enjoy time spent alone, because according to them, alone is fun. In addition, introverts also have excellent skills in analyzing complicated things. They are more easy to concentrate while solving the problem.

Big mistake if we think that an introvert is a shy person. Because, people who are introverts are more than happy to do social activities of their own. But they did not hesitate to perform a social interaction with other people. While a shy person, they feel heavy or disinclined to do social interaction. Especially with people they do not know. Although it cannot be denied, many people introvert’s shy.

• Characteristics Of Introverts

An introvert has some traits, such as the following:

1. Quiet and like to be alone.

2. Introverts like to observe the situation around very carefully.

3. Introverts tend to like to write.

4. Introverts will be a lot of thinking before speaking.

5. Introverts do not like the conversation light.

6. Introverts feel the crowd makes it crazy.

7. Introverts are more comfortable for (hang out) with a little bit of people.

• Understanding Extrovert

Understanding the extrovert is the opposite of an introvert. If the introvert prefers to be alone, then someone extrovert is more like an interactive environment. They are quite enthusiastic about new things and happy to hang out.

It is caused due to a extrovert is dominated by the nature, condition or habit of the fun from outside themselves. For them, social activities, interact with others, exchange information with many people and happy to hang out is fun.

A extrovert tends to be more eager to do a lot of things if they are in interactive environment. An extrovert is usually an ice breaker or an icebreaker. Their extrovert are usually more able to adapt and work well together in a community or social organization.

•  Characteristics Of Extrovert

A extrovert will look more energetic and have characteristics that are more open. A extrovert also has advantages in interacting impressed tend to be impulsive or easy going. Here are some personal characteristics extrovert:

1. Like popularity and love being the center of attention

2. Fun so the speaker rather than the listener

3. Extrovert always appear confident

4. Impressed swiftly and firmly

5. Happy working group and do not like solitude

6. Always enthusiastic and

7. Happy to interact and socialize

8. Easy to hang

9. Tend to be spontaneous in acting / speaking

10. Clever dilute the atmosphere

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